気候ってなに? Types of Climate



Do you know that there are different types of climates on earth? There’s a big variety and every one of them has its own characteristics. Let’s learn more about some of them.



Vocabulary – ボキャブラリー

climate(気候) / latitude(緯度) / altitude(高度) / landscape(地形環境) / sea currents(海流) / temperature(気温) / precipitation(降水量) / humid(湿度) / pressure(気圧) / winds(風) / equatorial climate(赤道気候) / tropical climate(熱帯性気候) / desert climate(砂漠気候) / mediterranean climate(地中海性気候) / oceanic climate(海洋性気候) / continental climate(大陸性気候) / polar climate (寒帯気候) / high mountain climate(高山気候)

Phrases and sentence

We can divide them into hot, temperate and cold climates.


The equatorial climate, the tropical climate and the desert climate are hot climates.


The mediterranean climate, the oceanic climate and the continental climate are temperate climates.


 The polar climate and high mountain climate are cold climates. The polar climate is located in places like northern europe. It is characterized by being the coldest climate on earth.


Summary – まとめ –


There are many different climates on the earth which depending on the location. These climates are classified into three types according to their characteristics. This video tells us where these climates are found on this planet. Did you find any area you know or a climate you’ve seen in it?