When you start teaching division to your child you should introduce division as being a sharing operation where objects are shared (or divided) into a number of groups of equal number.
Learning Points and Overview
This section is a brief overview of math division. It covers the concept of sharing in equal amounts, the basic division operation and long division.
Once you have built an understanding of the concept of division you can try using these division worksheets. When teaching early division you should also discuss that division has an opposite. Discuss how division is about separating sets, while the opposite type of math, called multiplication is about combining sets. Explore this relationship with your child as it will be important when recalling basic facts to solve division problems. Introduce fact families (e.g. 5 x 3 =15, 3 x 5 = 15, 15 ÷ 3 = 5, 15 ÷ 5 = 3).
Vocabulary – ボキャブラリー
Dividend(割られる数) / Divisor(割る数) / Quotient(商) / Remainder(余り) / Equal(等しい) / Division(わり算) / Multiple(かけ算) / the horizontal line(水平線) / figure out(見つけ出す) / procedure(手順) / “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”(昔話「3匹のくま」)
Phrases and sentence
This is the area where we put the number that we will be dividing up. The fancy math term for this is “dividend”.
This is the area where we put the number that we will be dividing by. The math term for that is the “divisor”.
This is where our answer will go, once we figure out what the answer is.
So whenever you have a complicated division problem to do, the first step is to re-write your problem in this form.
The question is, “How many ‘4’s will it take to make 9 or almost 9?”
Summary – まとめ –
Division is the mathematical process of dividing a number into equal groups. The three main parts to a division problem are the dividend, divisor and quotient. If you follow the simple steps of divide, multiply, subtract and drop down, you will soon be able to solve any division problem.
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