The closest planet to the sun, Mercury is also the smallest planet in the solar system! Hot and barren with hardly any atmosphere, its rocky surface is covered in craters. Exploratory missions to Mercury have revealed evidence that it once had extremely active volcanoes on its surface!
Vocabulary – ボキャブラリー
Mercury(水星) / planet(惑星) / the solar system(太陽系) / moons(衛星) / despite(にもかかわらず) / be observed(観察された) / 36 million miles(3,600万マイル=約5,800万km) / twilight(黄昏時) / winged sandals(翼の付いたサンダル) / orbit(軌道) / atmosphere(大気) / environment(環境) / harsh(過酷) / rocky(岩だらけの) / surface(表面) / solid(固体) / crater(クレーター) / appearance(外観) / resemble(似ている) / provide(提供する) / achieve(成し遂げる) / remaining(残り) / evidence(証拠) / revealed(映し出される) / relayed(中継される)
Phrases and sentence
Compared to other planets, little is known about Mercury, despite the fact that it has been observed by humans for longer than 2,000 years.
The only time to see Mercury from Earth is during the twilight of sunrise or sunset, however, when Mercury can be seen, it shines brightly.
It has the shortest orbit of any planet in the solar system, completing an orbit around the sun in just 88 days.
Because it has almost no atmosphere, the heat that comes to it from the sun quickly escapes back into space.
Although its surface is quiet now, the Messenger spacecraft discovered evidence that Mercury once had active volcanoes on its surface.
Summary – まとめ –
It focuses on the most important points about Mercury. It can only be found in the dawn or dusk sky. It’s a very bright and shining star, so be sure to look for it!
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