Vocabulary – ボキャブラリー
massive(巨大な)/monument(記念碑)/ ancient(古代の)/ archaeologist(考古学者)/ construction(建設)/probably(恐らく)/ worship(崇拝)/ religious(信仰深い)/ earliest(最古)/ ditches(溝)/ antler(枝角)/ eventually(最終的)/ replace(交換)/structure(構造)/ replace(交換)/ sarsen(大砂岩)/ measure(測る)/ baffle(困惑させる)/ rolled(転がる)/ dragged(引きずる)/oxen(牛)/ incredible(信じられない)/precision(精度)/ midsummer(真夏)/ solstice(極点)/ midwinter(真冬)/ phenomena(現象)
Phrases and sentence
Stonehenge is an ancient stone circle, older than the pyramids of Giza.
Stonehenge is probably between 4,000 and 5,000 years old, and its construction was spread across hundreds or even thousands of years.
It may also have been used as a calendar, or as a place to study the movements of the stars and worship the Sun and Moon.
Certain stones in the ancient circle line up with the midsummer sunrise and the winter solstice sunset, marking the longest and shortest days of the year.
Many people still visit Stonehenge at midsummer and midwinter to view the ancient phenomena that marks the rising and the setting of the sun, and wonder at the mysteries Stonehenge still hides.
Stonehenge – ストーンヘンジがある場所 –
Summary – まとめ –
ストーンヘンジはおそらく4,000〜5,000年前のもので、カレンダーとして、または星の動きを研究して太陽と月を崇拝する場所としても使用されてきました。 宗教的な儀式に使用されたと信じられています。最大の石の高さは最大9メートル、重さは平均25トンです。古代の円にある特定の石は、真夏の日の出と冬至の夕日に並んでおり、最長日と最短日を示しています。
Stonehenge is probably between 4,000 and 5,000 years old.It also have been used as a calendar, or as a place to study the movements of the stars and worship the Sun and Moon. Most believe it was used for religious ceremonies.The largest stones measure up to 9 meters tall and weigh an average of 25 tons.Certain stones in the ancient circle line up with the midsummer sunrise and the winter solstice sunset, marking the longest and shortest days of the year.
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