この動画では、TSUNAMI(Tidal Waves)のメカニズムについて紹介しています。最初に紀元前(BC)の歴史から普通の波と津波の違い、そして科学者たちがどのように津波を予測していくかなどを紹介しています。注意深く聞いていきましょう。
Vocabulary – ボキャブラリー
Surface(表面)/ Tidal wave(潮の満ち引きによる波)/ gravitational force(重力)/ volcanic eruption (火山噴火)/ ripple(波紋) / affect(影響する)/ submarine landslide (海底地すべり)/ Shallow water (浅瀬)/ wave shoaling (浅水変形:センスイヘンケイ)/ massive (強力な)/
Phrases and sentences – フレーズと文章
Although Tsunamis are commonly known as tidal waves, there’re actually unrelated to the tidal activity caused by the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon.
(津波は一般にはTidal waveとして知られていますが、太陽や月の引力が引き起こす潮汐の活動とは関係はありません。)
ここでTidal waveとは潮の満ち引きによる波という事になります。
For normal ocean waves, it comes from wind.
Because this only affects the surface, the waves are limited in size and speed.
【 津波の場合 】
But Tsunamis are caused by energy originating underwater, from a volcanic eruption, a submarine landslide, or most commonly, an earthquake on the ocean floor caused when the tectonic plates of the Earth’s surface slip, releasing a massive amount of energy into the water.
This energy travels up to the surface displacing water and raising it above the normal sea level .
But gravity pulls it back down which makes the energy ripple out wards horizontally.
When it’s far from shore a tsunami can be barely detectable since it moves through the entire depth of the water.
When it reaches shallow water, something called wave shoaling occurs.
Because there is less water to move through the still massive amount of energy is compressed. The wave speed slows down while its height rises to as much as 100 feet.
The Japanese word “TSUNAMI” comes from the fact that it only seems to appear near the coast.
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was one of the deadliest natural disasters in history killing over 200,000 people throughout South Asia.
Many scientists and policymakers are instead focusing on early detection monitoring underwater pressure and seismic activity and establishing global communication networks for quickly distributing alerts.
Summary – まとめ
For normal ocean waves, it comes from wind. Because this only affects the surface, the waves are limited in size and speed.
Tsunamis are caused by energy originating underwater.
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